Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Coolio Arrested for Domestic Violence

Rapper Coolio was arrested on April 1rst for bringing another woman home and kicking his girlfriend's ass...

According to TMZ Coolio got into an argument with his live in girlfriend after bringing home his new side piece. The argument escalated to a fight with Coolio punching Main Chick in the face and pushing her to the ground.

Then Coolio left with New Chick, and his and Main Chick's baby, hitting Main Chick with his car on the way out. Police officers noted tire marks on Main Chick's leg in the police report.

When cops caught up with Coolio he claimed Main Chick attacked him over New Chick and that HE was the victim.

Coolio's story didn't fly and he was arrested and booked on domestic violence charges.