Saturday, November 06, 2010

Lil Wayne's Impossible Probation Conditions

Lil Wayne may not consume any drugs or alcohol for the next 3 years.

For a while there Lil Wayne was getting arrested every year. There was the arrest in Atlanta on drug charges in 2006 [click here if you missed that], the arrest in New York on gun charges in 2007 [click here if you missed that] and the arrest on drug charges in Yuma, Arizona in 2008 [click here if you missed that].

Not sure whatever became of those Atlanta drug charges, but while Weezy was on Rikers Island serving a year for those gun charges in New York, he coped a plea in the Yuma case and was given 3 years probation to begin as soon as he was released from Rikers [click here if you missed that].

When Wayne was released earlier this week he immediately flew out to Yuma to sign his probation papers and that's when we found out the impossible terms of his probation.
Lil Wayne "may not consume or drink any substance containing alcohol" for the next 36 months.

He is also prohibited from knowingly associating with any person engaged in criminal activity or any person with a criminal record without prior written approval from the probation department.

Wayne also cannot possess illegal drugs, toxic vapors or controlled substances and he's also required to submit to drug and alcohol testing.

And if Weezy violates any of the terms of his probation he could be sent to prison to serve out the remainder of his term.

This could put a little damper on Weezy's welcome home party at the King of Diamonds strip club in Miami this Sunday where it's said that 48 bottles of PJ Rose Perrier-Jouët at $700 a pop has already been bought by Cash Money for the celebration.