Friday, November 26, 2010

I Get The Most Interesting Emails Sometimes

The latest was from a disgruntled insider from Floyd Mayweather's camp.
Floyd Mayweather is not getting married to Shantell jackson, that was just to upset his baby mama Joise Harris. Floyd has been dating Shantell for five years on the side of Joise. Shantell aint no model, the only photo shoots she’s done Floyd paid for. And when this thing with Joise happened Floyd didn’t want Shantell to leave so he bought her a brand new benz , a ring, had her picture put on two of his truck's and promised to help her start her modeling career. Floyd spends around 20grand a month on her. He paid for her boobs, ass, hips and teeth. All family events Floyd takes Joise. At his last fight Shantell was at the after party and when Joise came floyd had his sister take Shantell back to the room. Joise found out about Shantell 4years ago from basketball player Marcus Banks. In fact Joise ran into Shantell in Miami 6months ago and beat her ass. Floyd is not marring Shantell it's a joke. The family doesn’t even like her.

Floyd does not let his kids’ mothers date and if they do he’ll put them out and takes their cars and cut them off. Floyd don’t allow any one in his crew to date or marry either and if they have a girl he tries to break them up are talk to the girl! thats a fact! he even slept with this girl one of his crew was talking to and bragged about it. And if a girl don’t want to talk to him in the club he will have her beat up on the spot by one of the girls he hangs with!