Friday, July 09, 2010

Mary J. Lies Backtracks on the Howard University Claims

But she still lying, though.

Last week Mary J. Blige, told the New Orleans Times-Picayune, "I just received my high school diploma yesterday (Monday). The city of New York gave me my high school diploma ... and now Howard University has accepted me." She repeated the claim on stage at the Essence Music Festival and even claimed via Twitter to be in possession of acceptance papers from the historically Black university. But after Howard administrators refused to play along, Mary's flack released this statement to Us Magazine
"Howard University came to her and expressed interest in having her as a student but she will not be attending. But don't rule it out at some point! She won't be giving up her music career. Even if she won't be matriculating at the Washington, D.C. school, the Grammy winner will look online to see what courses and other options are available."
You ain't got to lie to kick it, Mary!