Saturday, March 06, 2010

Lien All You Want

Suge Knight has been foreclosed on, repo'd, auctioned off and knocked out. And now the IRS has placed a lien against him and I have one question:
Where the hell they think he's going to get $6,578,696.31 from?
The IRS filed this lien against Suge's 1996 tax return and refiled it this past January, around the same time one of his baby mamas took him to court for child support [click here if you missed that].

In the child support case Suge claimed he only brought in $1, 200 a  month. And early last year when his ex-wife Michele' took him to court for child support, she said Suge hadn't given her anything for their kid in over three months [click here if you misssed that]!