You know how Kim told Essence magazine that she didn't know anything about Sarah or her being pregnant and that when she found out, that's when she left Diddy? Sarah says thats a lie. Sarah says she been messing around with Diddy for over 13 years and that Kim did too know who she was and that she'd gotten pregnant. Some folks even speculate that Kim took fertility drugs to get pregnant with the twins AFTER she found out about Sarah's baby. Sarah also says she wasn't paid $1 million dollars to be quiet either. She said if she had, she wouldn't have to call Diddy every month for child support.
Doing a little digging of our own, we discovered Sarah might have been telling a few lies herself. Aside from the obligatory shaving of a few years off her age, in her SR interview she claims to have graduated from Spelman, and while sources say she did attend at one time, we can't find any confirmation that she finished. But just cause we can't find it, don't mean it ain't true. The Magic 8 Ball says: Ask again later.
Sarah used causal terms to describe their relationship, constantly referring to Diddy as her friend and saying how they are still friends This all must be pretty funny to Diddy's first baby mama, Misa Hylton-Brimm, who was dating Diddy and friends with Kim, when Kim went behind her back and started messing with Diddy.